Project Value: $2.5 Million - $3 million
Select Demo was contracted directly by Commodore Builders to perform the interior, selective demolition and abatement in two separate buildings. Charles Building - Interior, selective demolition in floors 1-6 with 100,000 SF of walls, carpet, slab cuts, dropping of MEPs and rooftop equipment. Rogers Building - Interior, selective demolition in floors 1-6 with 210,000 SF of walls, carpet slab, beams, shoring, dropping of MEPs, removal of rooftop equipment and pads. Abatement scope in Rogers Building - Removal and disposal of 20 windows with asbestos caulking in the kindergarten area and the removal of CFC's from the rooftops, refrigerators and water bubblers. Scope also consists of the removal and disposal of all lights and ballasts, batteries and emergency lights.