Project Value Range: $3 million - $4 million
Select Demo Services, LLC was contracted by Suffolk Construction Co. to perform the demolition, abatement and soil remediation as a part of Brown University’s new Integrated Life Sciences Building (ILSB) Project, a new construction 300,000 SF, 7-story research facility that will be located on Richmond Street in the heart of Providence's Jewelry District, across from Brown's Warren Alpert Medical School. Select’s demolition and abatement scope consisted of the takedown of two buildings – one being two floors and 40,000 SF with the other being 5,000 SF and one floor; removal of asbestos foundations and exterior walls; removal of windows with asbestos caulking; removal of underground storage tanks; and the removal of an 80,000-gallon concrete tank. The soil remediation scope consisted of the demolition and disposal of 1,000 tons of concrete slab contaminated with asbestos and PCB >50ppm with the disposal of TSCA waste by both truck and rail; excavation, transportation and disposal of over 2,500 tons of PCB soil >50ppm soil by rail; excavation, transportation and disposal of 1,500 tons of PCB soil < 50 ppm. Select obtained all landfill approvals for the project. This project was performed in close proximity to the street where Select took careful consideration of falling debris by erecting a debris netting system, and with the work being adjacent to active lab space, Select performed extensive vibration and noise monitoring to ensure there was no disruption to the research and medical work being performed in nearby buildings.